Thursday, March 17, 2011

A set of things.

{In search of the unexpected. Digital collage, Gracia Haby & Louise Jennison.}

One, two, three. A trio of good and new, we have to share with you. It’s been awhile since last we decorated that space, and since, short of overhauling entire blog and making good on promise to continue posting visual responses to various collective nouns for birds, animals, people and things, we bring today, this glorious day, three things that are so terrible new they shimmer. Yet to tarnish, this trio of newness are linked by animal thread. This, dear you, will come as no surprise. Animals long have been our protagonists.

First in this trinity, we have created, Louise and I, a collaborative work for The Big Issue (No 376, 15–28 March 2011). Our piece, In search of the unexpected, was one we made especially to run with Laura van den Berg’s book What the World Will Look Like When All the Water Leaves Us. In the distance, there lies a city, and that city is Dresden. It does not look like that now.

{Digital collage, Gracia Haby & Louise Jennison for Ace Hotel.}

Second in this triad of the recent, our poster for Flambeaux, a mardi gras event in Palm Springs. A collaborative collage of ours created especially for said event can be seen on the Ace Hotel flyer. If you be a native, bring your good humour and thread coloured beads about your neck.

Lastly in this threesome, our work for Milly Sleeping’s Loved & Lost. We made, for our part, a collaborative artists’ book. Our book is called In Padova, looking for you. The scene it takes place in Padova in the North of Italy. It is said to be a mysterious place where one, any one, can find what they be seeking.

Watch: Over My Shoulder (V)


  1. Love that Mardi Gras Gracia & Louise poster, girls!

  2. Thanks, Alice, we had great fun dreaming this one up, and making wings from coral. We created several additional works on this theme too. We'll share them sometime soon. The territory was a rich one. A masked ball and the promise of music and celebration replete with tinsel and voodoo spirit. Here's to that.

  3. Ready for a yoke of oxen and a mute of hounds... e xo
