Sunday, June 14, 2009

A spring of seals and other details.

{A sneak of weasels and a bed of flowers. Collage, Gracia Haby.}

Thank you one and all for your interest in my recent zine inspired by the oft-whimsical nature of collective nouns. Postal orders for copies of A vagary of impediments and a sneak of weasels have been sent to destinations I myself have yet to visit in person. To Simons Town, South Africa, to Bristol, UK, and to Pittsburgh, USA, I have sent a configuration of natural objects and a catch of fish whilst strings of horses and crowds of onlookers snaked pathway to Prairieville, Helensvale, and Belmont. I very much hope you enjoyed this zine and my fingers remain crossed in hope that the troop of monkeys behaved themselves for such rabble-rousers they can be.

Here, before Elaine, Louise and I resume our regular posting in this space, accompanied by special guests from time to time, is a look at a few more of the collages that feature in this zine.

{A clutter of cats. Collage, Gracia Haby. (Please click to see a little larger.)}

{A spring of seals. Collage, Gracia Haby.}

{A band of men. Collage, Gracia Haby.}

{A cache of jewels and an embarrassment of riches. Collage, Gracia Haby.}

{A colony of auks and a parcel of penguins. Collage, Gracia Haby.}

A vagary of impediments and a sneak of weasels can be purchased through our online store, or, for those in Melbourne, head to Hand Held Gallery and Sticky Institute and pick up a copy in person.

Should you harbour a desire for us to explore a favourite collective noun, now would be the time to sing out. A rope of onions, a streak of tigers, or perhaps a nest of rumours, a disguising of tailors or a leash of greyhounds, we shall consider them all.

Returning soon with a grove of trees and a quiver of arrows.

Until then, my friends, be well.


  1. Hi, i love your blog! do you have an rss feed subscribe? i dont have a bloglines

  2. Thanks Hannah. We're just in the process of adding to our sidebar a few additional means of reading our latest posts. Fingers crossed, when next you visit you will find a link to an RSS feed.
    Here's to collective nouns in all their shapes, and to more shared here sooner rather than later.
    cheers, G

  3. Hi there Hannah,
    Success! I have now added a chicklet for an RSS feed. I do hope it works. Please sing out if not and I'll tinker behind the scenes some more.
    Yours in technical slowness,

  4. great pictures! awesome! love it!
