{Before the hush that darkness brings, I search for trinkets and beetles in the earth. Postcard collage, Gracia Haby.}
{Sketchbook Study. Drawing, Elaine Haby.}
{Eclectus Parrots (Eclectus roratus). Drawing, Louise Jennison.}
A Skulk of Foxes and a Husk of Hares, of Melbourne, Australia died Friday, February 17th, 2012 in absence of hope after a long fight against irregular posting.
Born April 15th, 2008, to Gracia, Louise, and Elaine, The Fox and the Hare brimmed with bright initial potential, and made friends easily. The Fox and the Hare explored, naturally enough, its origins, a skulk of foxes and a husk of hares, and went on to examine a cache of jewels, a collection of objects, a clutch of eggs, a colony of rats, and fungi too, a galaxy of stars, and a kaleidoscope of butterflies. The Fox and the Hare was indebted to the generous assistance of Jurate, Shari, Charlotte, Camilla, and Estibaliz.
The Fox and the Hare inspired the making of two collage zines, A vagary of impediments and a sneak of weasels and Tumble & Fall, in May 2009. Both zines were officially decorated by Artspace Mackay with the Inaugural Zine Prize as part of the 2010 Libris Awards (alongside Postcards from... But for the moon nobody could see us, 2008).
Sadly, The Fox and the Hare takes with it to its resting place a desire unfulfilled. A mute of hounds, a leap of leopards, a raft of otter, a memory of elephants, a flight of cormorants, a charm of finches, a bazaar of guillemots, a cohort of zebras, a flotilla of swordfish, a blush of boys, a troupe of artistes, a faculty of academics, a mess of iguanas, and an anthology of stories all never here to be discovered.
The Fox and the Hare retired unofficially and without ceremony in November, 2009.
The Fox and the Hare is survived by Gracia, High Up in the Trees, Louise, Elsewhere, and Elaine, Pasadena Mansions.
The Fox and the Hare will be much missed, though will live on as an archive for the foreseeable future. In lieu of flowers, comment donations can be made below.